Book Review: ADHD Girls to Women

ADHD Girls to Women by Lotta Borg Skoglund. Reviewed by Selina Abel.

Date published: November 2023

Paperback book price: £14.99

Link to book at Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Reviewer: Selina Abel, PhD student

Reviewer expertise: PhD Student in Psychology


What is the book about and who is the book aimed at?

"ADHD girls to women” is an overview over the specifics of ADHD in girls and women - as compared to the stereotype (which is often based on men) as well as in a general descriptive sense. It is aimed at anyone who is interested in the topic, and requires no background knowledge to be understood. 

A brief description of the content of the book  

The book is divided into chapters focusing on different aspects relevant to ADHD, how it may present in woman, its physical aspects (i.e., describing what research knows about brain and hormones in females with ADHD), and how females may experience it. The author includes patients' personal stories in all chapters to give an insight into how females report experiencing ADHD at different stages in their lives and how varied these experiences may be. 

Is the content in line with best practice / research evidence?

As a psychiatrist and leading researcher in the field, Lotta Borg Skoglund clearly writes about the topic. At times her background as a psychiatrist is noticeable, but the patient anecdotes nicely interject the more factual or descriptive parts of the book.

Would the book be helpful to its target reader?  If so, how? Would it be helpful to anyone else?

The book would be particularly useful for someone who is new to the topic and looking for a comprehensive starting place. It outlines much of the key information useful to have, but doesn’t go into too much detail. Readers who have already gathered a decent understanding of ADHD and how it manifests in females may find they are looking for something that goes into more detail. 

What is your final, overall opinion of the book?

I think the book is a good introduction to the topic and would be ideal for anyone who has little background knowledge but would like to be more informed.