LEANS signposting

A list of LEANS topics/questions with pointers and links to relevant information.

LEANS signposting: Find the information you need

Getting started

Our Teacher Handbook PDF is the main source of information about what the LEANS programme is, and how to deliver it. We wrote the handbook to answer as many questions as possible, all in one place.

If you don’t already have it, we encourage you to download the package with the Handbook and all LEANS resources (free)

Information list

The following list can help you find what you need on our website, or in the handbook.

About LEANS resources Where to find help
Quick overview of the LEANS resource, what it is (and isn’t) About LEANS: https://salvesen-research.ed.ac.uk/leans/about/resources/overview LEANS FAQs: https://salvesen-research.ed.ac.uk/leans/about/resources/faq
Videos and short articles with overviews or introductions to LEANS Talks and media page: https://salvesen-research.ed.ac.uk/leans/media
Detailed information on LEANS content, resource items, and the planning/delivery requirements LEANS Teacher Handbook PDF
LEANS terms of use/licensing. What is allowed? Terms of use: https://salvesen-research.ed.ac.uk/leans/download/terms
Where, when, and how to use LEANS Where to find help
How do I know if LEANS is right for my class/school? Overview: https://salvesen-research.ed.ac.uk/leans/about/resources/your-school Detailed guidance: Teacher Handbook PDF Part 1
The LEANS self-evaluation exercise Teacher Handbook PDF Part 1.2. Series of questions to self-assess if LEANS would be practical and ethical in your context.
Educational settings/pupil groups other than mainstream primary school classes LEANS FAQs: https://salvesen-research.ed.ac.uk/leans/about/resources/faq
Using LEANS outside of schools LEANS FAQs: https://salvesen-research.ed.ac.uk/leans/about/resources/faq
Neurodiversity-related questions Where to find help
About neurodiversity content in LEANS https://salvesen-research.ed.ac.uk/leans/about/neurodiversity Detailed guidance: Teacher Handbook PDF Part 2, and Part 4, Unit 1.
Neurodiversity reading list for adults Readings and resource lists: https://salvesen-research.ed.ac.uk/leans/more-resources
Other neurodiversity-related resources Download our community recommendations list here: https://salvesen-research.ed.ac.uk/leans/more-resources
Training Where to find help
How do I get training to deliver LEANS? There isn’t a required training course—everything to get started is in our Teacher Handbook!
I / my organisation wants to deliver training about LEANS Please see both of the following: LEANS terms of use: https://salvesen-research.ed.ac.uk/leans/download/terms LEANS FAQ: https://salvesen-research.ed.ac.uk/leans/about/resources/faq
I want to commission training from the LEANS team Contact page: https://salvesen-research.ed.ac.uk/leans/contact
Contacting the LEANS project Where to find help
Talk/event inquiries, research collaboration, media enquiries Contact page: https://salvesen-research.ed.ac.uk/leans/contact
LEANS mailing list Find out more and join here: https://edinburgh.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0PLduvb6qRjSQNE
Translating/adapting LEANS Link coming soon, please begin with the Terms of Use
Website/download issues Mail LEANS@ed.ac.uk
LEANS for parents and carers Where to find help
LEANS factsheets for families; Materials to propose LEANS to schools Download the parent-carer informational materials [external site]: https://www.mindroom.org/resources/leans-c/
Advice for individual children or families We are not able to advise or help individuals about their personal circumstances, or about issues such as diagnoses or securing supports at school. Other local/national organisations may be able to help. Please download our organisations lists for the UK and ROI from this page: https://salvesen-research.ed.ac.uk/leans/more-resources

I want to know about something else!

Our newly-launched LEANS Champions programme (2023) makes it possible to directly contact “educators experts” with LEANS training, who have generously volunteered to advise and support others. Please read our guidance before contacting a Champion—thank you!

If there is any other issue where you have not been able to find information, please contact the main project mailing address at LEANS@ed.ac.uk.