International Neurodiversity Research Network

Welcome to the page for the INRN. You can subscribe to this mailing list at the bottom of the page. Please read the information below in full before subscribing.

Please also note that this is a new list, set up in autumn 2024 – we are still learning how it works so if there are teething problems please bear with us.  

What is it for?

This is a list to support an international community of people who are interested in neurodiversity-informed and neurodiversity-affirmative research.  

The list is intended to provide a way for people to connect with each other by sharing valuable opportunities and resources, creating connections and occasionally asking questions.  

The list is for making first contact, and not having to-and-fro discussions. Replies will be directed to the sender only, not the whole list.

You can send to the list at any time.  The default setting for new subscribers is that messages will be held and compiled into a weekly digest, containing all the messages that have been sent in the preceding seven days.  

Who can join?

The list is open to anyone with an interest in neurodiversity research. You do not have to be an academic or have a PhD to join. However, the content which will be shared will be largely intended for academics or people who collaborate closely with them. So please only join if you are sure you are interested in that kind of content.  

You can join at the bottom of this page but make sure you understand THE RULES first! 

What can I send to the list?

Please remember that anything you send will go to all members, potentially thousands of people.   

  1. Keep your messages SHORT and CLEAR.  
  2. Include LINKS or CONTACT DETAILS where someone can follow-up with you privately 
  3. When responding to a list message, the default will reply to the sender only. DO NOT reply-all to the whole list 

 You might want to send:  

  • Job adverts or PhD opportunities which people can apply for 
  • Adverts for online or international events which would be of interest to members: e.g. academic conferences, training courses 
  • Opportunities for members to contribute to a journal special issue, edited volume, conference symposium or workshop 
  • Targeted and brief questions about methods in the field, e.g. does anyone know if the CAT-Q is available in languages other than English? Please email me on [email address] if you know 
  • Requests for “grey literature” or unpublished data on a given topic when you are conducting searches for a systematic review  

You should NOT send the following queries to the list:  

  • invitations to participate in research studies (as a data subject), unless these are specifically looking to recruit participants from the research community
  • questions that you could resolve yourself, e.g. by using Google Scholar or other open access search tools 
  • questions exclusively about applied practice, e.g. classroom activities, diagnostic processes 
  • requests for advice about your personal life, family or professional development / career pathway 
  • opportunities that are geographically restricted, e.g. invitations to in-person events in your local area 
  • requests which are only relevant to a sub-set of list members or a specific team / individual 
  • promotion of pseudoscience 
  • any sort of self-promotion including circulating your own published papers or books 
  • information about commercial activities or marketing by private enterprises 
  • replies of any kind 

We recommend that you don’t send invitations to join a grant proposal or co-author a paper as there is no way to limit or quality-control your responses. 

Are there any other rules?

Please adhere to the following code of conduct:

  1. any and all references to neurodivergent people or experiences should be respectful and inclusive and avoid deficit-based language* 
  2. only use the list for appropriate queries, following the list guidance, which are reasonably anticipated to be of interest to a large proportion of subscribers 
  3. do not “spam” the list with repeated notices about the same event or topic 
  4. ask people to reach you personally if you want an ongoing dialogue 
  5. ensure your posts are research-related (even if you are not a researcher) 

*NB: this is an international list and while the list-language is English, many subscribers will have a different first language. Language preferences vary internationally, and getting terminology and grammar right in your second (or third or fourth) language can be very difficult. For this reason, we will be relatively lenient in our policing of language and ask other list members to do the same.

What if someone breaks the rules?

If you wish to report a list subscriber, please forward the message which concerns you to with a brief explanation of why it violates our rules. One of the list owners will pick it up and take suitable action.  

As a rule of thumb, we will not normally eject people from the list unless there are multiple reports against the same person, or the infraction is serious. We will not normally reply to reports, but will take action as we see fit.  This is simply because we don’t have capacity to spend a lot of time on list moderation.  

If you are reported to the list owner as violating one of the terms above, or otherwise abusing your list membership, you will be warned once, and then ejected from the list on a repeat offence. There is no right of appeal though we will consider applications to rejoin the list after a suitable period of time has passed (e.g. 12 months). A second ejection from the list will be permanent.  

How the list works

  • The list’s homepage can be found at 
  • Anyone can subscribe to the list. New subscribers must confirm their request before membership is complete.
  • Subscribers can post to the list, including attachments by sending an email to NEURODIVERSITYRN@JISCMAIL.AC.UK  
  • The default settings will hold posts and compile them into a digest circulated to list subscribers every week.
  • Subscribers may reply to messages, replies go to the sender.

The list archives are public. They will be shared on the JISC index at  Login is not required to see the archives; the list and its message archives may be found via search engines (e.g. Google).

However, subscriber information reports are only accessible to list owners.

How to subscribe

For the mailing list sign-up form:-



If you have any trouble using JISC please look at their comprehensive FAQs here: 

Please do not contact the list owners with technical questions about JISCmail as we will not be able to help you.  

How to unsubscribe

You can unsubscribe by selecting Subscribe or Unsubscribe on the top left-hand side of the list homepage, which is at 

Alternatively, you can unsubscribe by email by sending the following command to