2023 ITAKOM International Neurodiversity Conference

An archive of resources, reporting, and media

About the ITAKOM Conference

It Takes all Kinds of Minds (ITAKOM) was a hybrid, interdisciplinary conference on neurodiversity that attracted over 50 speakers and 1,000 delegates over two days in March 2023. The programme included a wide range of neurodiversity-related content, from neurodiversity theory, to basic research on the brain, to educational and community programmes, life stories, workplace research, and far more. There were four main themes: healthcare, education, workplace and community. It shared this content across a variety of formats, including talks, panel discussions, interactive workshops, poster presentations, and filmed personal stories. ITAKOM proactively sought to attract delegates from a wide range of roles, disciplinary perspectives and communities - and especially neurodivergent people.

ITAKOM was a unique and varied event that was highly successful at bringing together communities and perspectives around the idea of neurodiversity. It received highly positive attendee feedback, though attendees were also generous in sharing their ideas to make future events even more useful, diverse, and accessible.




About this Site

This legacy website is intended as a centralised archive of material and links from the ITAKOM conference, including behind-the-scenes materials related to organising the conference. All content is 100% free and available to everyone (no sign-up/login required) whether or not you attended the original ITAKOM in 2023.

There are two main reasons for creating and maintaining this site:

  • Access to content: The consistent feedback from many attendees about how professionally and personally valuable they found ITAKOM, and also how much content there was. A large part of the content is now available long-term for attendees and a wider audience.
  • To offer examples and resources for others who may be organising neurodiversity-related events. The co-chairs and neurodivergent advisory committee worked very hard to make ITAKOM relevant and accessible for a wide range of people. While not every decision worked equally well for everyone, ITAKOM is still a useful starting point for others to reflect on what might work in their setting.

Thank you for joining us, and enjoy exploring the ITAKOM legacy site!

photo of delegates descending on escalator next to conference timetable

Find details of ITAKOM’s organisation, programme, and technology

photo of person standing in front of large screen with ITAKOM written on screen

Access free videos of recorded keynotes, presentations, and panels

large arrow pointing downwards next to abstract illustration of boxes and circles

Download examples of materials used in organising ITAKOM

Photo of delegates writing notes

Feedback from attendees and recommendations for organising future events

Photo of computer screen

Links to media coverage of the ITAKOM conference

Graphic with multi-coloured circles squares and triangles

ITAKOM contacts and mailing lists for future news

photo of seated delegates waving hands in the air

Browse the photos by our roving photographer